This page shows the current processing time for Form I-539 if you have applied for an extension of status or stay of H4, B1/B2, L, F, M, or J Visa across various USCIS centers: California, Nebraska, Texas, Vermont, and Potomac. To precisely calculate the estimated time for your case, use the Dataneb processing time calculator.
If you have applied for a change of status, refer to the I-539 Processing Time for Change of Status page.
To identify your service center, refer to the first three letters of your receipt number, and then use the following tables to see how long it will take for an extension of status application within the US.
WAC/CSC: California Service Center
LIN/NSC: Nebraska Service Center
SRC/TSC: Texas Service Center
EAC/VSC: Vermont Service Center
YSC/PSC: Potomac Service Center
MSC/NBC: National Benefits Center
I-539 Processing Time for Extension of Status of B1/B2 Visa
The above table shows the current I-539 processing time for an extension of stay of B1/B2 visa across various USCIS service centers, and the following table shows the dates that are currently being processed.
To precisely calculate the estimated time for your case, use the Dataneb processing time calculator.
I-539 Processing Time for Extension of Status of H4 Visa
The above table shows the current I-539 processing times for an extension of stay of H4 visa across various USCIS service centers, and the following table shows the dates that are currently being processed.
To precisely calculate the estimated time for your case, use the Dataneb processing time calculator.
I-539 Processing Time for Extension of Status of H4 Visa with EAD
The above table shows the current I-539 processing times for an extension of stay of H4 visa with EAD across various USCIS service centers, and the following table shows the dates that are currently being processed.
To precisely calculate the estimated time for your case, use the Dataneb processing time calculator.
I-539 Processing Time for Extension of Status of F, M, or J Visa
The above table shows the current I-539 processing time for an extension of stay of F, M, or J visa applications across various USCIS service centers, and the following table shows the dates that are currently being processed.
To precisely calculate the estimated time for your case, use the Dataneb processing time calculator.
I-539 Processing Time for Extension of Status for L Visa
The above table shows the current I-539 processing times for an extension of stay of L visa across various USCIS service centers, and the following table shows the dates that are currently being processed.
To precisely calculate the estimated time for your case, use the Dataneb processing time calculator.
All Other Extensions of Stay Applications
For the rest of the extension of status applications, refer to the above table.