Installing Spark on Windows (pyspark)
Prerequisite: Follow these steps to install Apache Spark on windows machine. Now-a-days Python is used by many applications. So it is...

Apache Spark Interview Questions
This post include Big Data Spark Interview Questions and Answers for experienced and beginners. If you are a beginner don't worry, answers..

Write CSV/JSON data to Elasticsearch using Spark dataframes
Elasticsearch-hadoop connector allows Spark-elasticsearch integration in Scala and Java language. Elasticsearch-hadoop library helps...

Just enough Scala for Spark
In this tutorial you will learn just enough Scala for Spark, it's like a quick guide for Scala basics needed for Spark programming, Scala...

Spark Transformation example in Scala (Part 2)
Main menu: Spark Scala Tutorial In this post I will walk you through groupByKey, reduceByKey, aggregateByKey, sortByKey, join, cartesian,...