SparkInstalling Spark on Windows (pyspark)Prerequisite: Follow these steps to install Apache Spark on windows machine. Now-a-days Python is used by many applications. So it is...
PythonHow can I get the source code of the Python Packages?You can find source code on Github. Under cpython you will be able to find all the modules and python objects (written in C). You can...
PythonWhat does // mean in python?It’s floor division. Python docs has very nice documentation on this. Python3: Mathematical division that rounds down to nearest integer....
PythonWhat programming language is famous amongst Russians?According to Google Trends it seems like Javascript. However, I didn’t except Python as least popular language amongst Russians. First of...
PythonWhat is the most efficient way to find prime factors of a number (python)?One of the best method is to use Sieve of Eratosthenes 0 → False 1 → False 2 → True and so on.. Python program is shown below, def...