EADTypical Severance Package for VP, Managers, Executives, and Directors with 20-30 years of ExperienceSeveral people asked about what is the normal/average/typical severance package or pay at different levels, starting from software engineers
Big DataApache Avro Schema Example (in Java)Introduction Avro provides data serialization based on JSON Schema. It is language neutral data serialization system, means a language A...
RandomFacts you should know about Food Waste & "Too Good To Go" ApplicationFood waste is a major problem now-a-days in developed countries like America and Europe. Majority of the food waste comes from restaurant ..
OthersHow to write your first blog on Dataneb?01. Sign Up First sign up, after this, you should automatically receive writer's privilege within 24 hours. If you don't get writer's...
OthersCalling 911 for Pepperoni Pizza Delivery, But Why?Phone Conversation of 911 Operator (reference Reddit user Crux1836); Officer : “911, where is your emergency?” Caller : “123 Main St.”...