OthersHow to pull data from OKTA API exampleOKTA has various rest APIs (refer this) from where you can pull the data and play around according to your business requirement. As OKTA...
Big DataWhat's Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Predictive Analytics, Data Science?Never thought I will spend so much time to understand these high profile terms. I was very confident that I knew theoretically everything...
SparkSpark read Text file into DataframeMain menu: Spark Scala Tutorial In this Spark Scala tutorial you will learn how to read data from a text file & CSV to dataframe. This...
ElasticsearchKibana GeoIP example: How to index geographical location of IP addresses into ElasticsearchThe relation between your IP address and geolocation is very simple. There are numerous websites available as of today like Maxmind,...
Big DataLoading JSON file using Spark (Scala)Main menu: Spark Scala Tutorial In this Apache Spark Tutorial - We will be loading a simple JSON file. Now-a-days most of the time you...