Understanding SparkContext textFile & parallelize method
Main menu: Spark Scala Tutorial In this blog you will learn, How Spark reads text file or any other external dataset. Referencing a...
What is SparkContext (Scala)?
Main menu: Spark Scala Tutorial In this blog you will learn, How to start spark-shell? Understanding Spark-shell. Creating Spark context...
Evanescence | Bring me to Life | Drum Sheet Music
Easy Drum Covers for Beginners | Evanescence bring me to life drum sheet music If you've just started to play drums and you’re looking...
Calling 911 for Pepperoni Pizza Delivery, But Why?
Phone Conversation of 911 Operator (reference Reddit user Crux1836); Officer : “911, where is your emergency?” Caller : “123 Main St.”...
Best Office Prank Ever, Don't Miss the End
Have you ever seen chocolate thief in your office? This is the epic message chain when someone started to stealing chocolates from office...